Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lesson in Meekness

Yet another (!!!) draft that I'm catching up on. This is a lesson outline from a few years back.

My calling is the 1st counselor in the Relief Society. As such, I have the opportunity to occasionally teach. 

To be honest, I chose this topic because I found it enlightening. Meekness used to be one of those subjects that just seemed bland and distasteful. Kind of like when you lump faith hope and charity together, it suddenly just isn't as appealing to study. However, while reading this conference talk, I found myself nodding in agreement and understanding. *Fist pump of victory. This lesson was born of a talk by Elder Ulysses Soares. The talk can be found here:

What do you think of when you hear the word “Meek”
Typical answers included weak, bland, push-over, spineless, without character or strength, someone who has been put in their place, submissive. 

In preparing for this lesson, I came across the following definition. Meekness is a greek derivative of the word Praus, which means a war horse bridled and ready for battle. Wild, agitated, irritated, made calm. Strength brought under control.

Qualities of the meek:
-God-fearing, righteous, humble, teachable, patient in suffering.

-Temperament is calm, docile, tolerant, and submissive.
-Not weakness, but behave with goodness, kindness, show strength, serenity, healthy self-worth and self-control.

-Fruit of the Spirit: lifestyle reflects righteousness. Elder Soares Quote:

“The Apostle Paul taught that meekness is fruit of the Spirit. Therefore, it can most easily be attained if we “live in the Spirit.” And to live in the Spirit, our lifestyle must reflect righteousness before the Lord.”
We are blessed to be born with seed of meekness in our hearts. - Elder Soares Quote:

 “We are blessed to be born with the seed of meekness in our hearts. We need to understand that it is not possible to grow and develop that seed in the twinkling of an eye but rather through the process of time. Christ asks us to “take up our cross daily”, meaning that it must be a constant focus and desire.”

How do we become more meek?

Steps to becoming meek:

1.   Improve Day-by–day through Atonement. God’s grace makes up for our shortcomings. President Lorenzo Snow quote:

”We have our little follies and our weakness; we should try to overcome them as fast as possible, and… should instill this feeling in the hearts of our children… that they may learn to behave properly before Him under all circumstances. If the husband can live with his wife one day without quarreling or without treating anyone unkindly or without grieving the Spirit of God… he is so far perfect. Then let him try to be the same the next day. But supposing he should fail in this his next day’s attempt, that is no reason why he should not succeed in doing so the third day.”

2.   Control Temper

In what settings do you find yourself getting annoyed/irritated/angry?

What about when people disagree with your ideas?

Your response when someone offends, critiques your efforts, or unkind?

How do you successfully calm/invite the spirit back?

“At these moments and in other difficult situations, we must learn to control our temper and convey our feelings with patience and gentle persuasion. This is most important within our homes and within our relationships with our eternal companions.” - Elder Soares

2 Timothy 2: 24-26 (Taken from Elder Soares' talk) “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves"

What does it mean to recover themselves?

3.    Humility: modest, courteously respectful

“I believe, brothers and sisters, that only those who are humble are able to acknowledge and understand the Lord’s answers to their prayers. The humble are teachable, recognizing how dependent they are on God and desiring to be subject to His will. The humble are meek and have the ability to influence others to be the same. God’s promise to the humble is that He will lead them by the hand. I truly believe that we will avoid detours and sadness in our lives as long as we walk hand in hand with the Lord.” - Elder Soares

Humility=God leads by the hand

What blessings have come in your life through humility?

Mahlangu Story

In which areas can meekness be a struggle, and how do we reinforce it?

How can we be meek in relation to others as well as in relation to God?

How is meekness a precursor to other virtues? According to Elder Maxwell in A Dimension of True Discipleship, it initiates, facilitates, consolidates.

A few blessings of meekness

How might meekness improve one’s quality of life?

“Meekness, however, is more than self-restraint; it is the presentation of self in a posture of kindness and gentleness, reflecting certitude, strength, serenity, and a healthy self-esteem and self-control.” –Elder Maxwell, A Dimension of True Discipleship

Isa 29:19 The meek also shall increase their ajoy in the Lord, and the bpoor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

“The meek are filled with awe and wonder with regard to God and His purposes in the universe. At the same time, the meek are not awestruck by the many frustrations of life; they are more easily mobilized for eternal causes and less easily immobilized by the disappointments of the day.” - Elder Maxwell, A Dimension of True Discipleship

1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

 “Brothers and sisters, I believe the Savior Jesus Christ is the supreme example of meekness. Even during the last moments of His mortal life, being unfairly accused and condemned, painfully carrying His cross up to Golgotha, being mocked and cursed by His enemies, being abandoned by many who knew Him and had witnessed His miracles, He was nailed on the cross. Even after the most intense physical suffering, the Lord turned to His Father and spoke from the bottom of His meek and humble heart: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Christ faced extreme physical and spiritual suffering, giving us the opportunity to change our spiritual character and become meek like Him.”

If anyone had right to murmur, seek vengeance, it was He. - Elder Soares

“Meekness, however, is more than self-restraint; it is the presentation of self in a posture of kindness and gentleness, reflecting certitude, strength, serenity, and a healthy self-esteem and self-control.” –Elder Maxwell, A Dimension of True Discipleship

“The meek are filled with awe and wonder with regard to God and His purposes in the universe. At the same time, the meek are not awestruck by the many frustrations of life; they are more easily mobilized for eternal causes and less easily immobilized by the disappointments of the day.” - Elder Maxwell, A Dimension of True Discipleship

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