Saturday, November 26, 2016

Dear Anderson 11/26/2016

Dear Goob,

Twice in a month! You're napping now, so I figured it was a good time to do a quick documentation. You have molars sprouting up everywhere. I think we are waiting on one on the lower right side, but everything else has come in. And those canines are still SLOW poking along.

You did a somersault for the first time yesterday. You enjoy doing 'Downward Facing Dog' and a Mowgli style walk, but this time you just stuck your cute little bum up higher and higher in the air and flipped over back/sideways! It was pretty exciting. We clapped and cheered and you shrieked and laughed and stomped your feet and then started crying. As you often do when exploring what you can do and learning new things.

You are now saying 'arm' and 'nose' and it kills me with how cute it is. 'Nose' is said rather nasally, with an almost absent 's'. You also say banana like 'nahnahnblahnahblah' and always get excited and stomp your feet and clap. Dude, you are your mama's child! I loved bananas as a kid too.

Yesterday you pointed to the blue and green pyramid rings, respectively, when dad asked you to point them out. We were floored. Dad practices your colors with the legos, and you and I practice with books, but we've never asked you to point out a specific color before. You are one astute little dude, and you love to learn!

Also, you ate a lot of broccoli this week, for which I feel victorious. I've been chopping it up really small and mixing it with shredded parmesan, taco meat, and rice. Win!

*Edit: It's been several weeks since we've nursed; you are officially weaned! You've become a little more snuggly since we've stopped breastfeeding, which is nice. You would have been happy to keep nursing each morning, but I was getting too desperate for my clothes to fit normally again. You've adjusted pretty well, overall. *

Thanksgiving was two days ago and that didn't bring much in the way of exciting new flavors for you. You really liked the sweet potatoes with the streusel topping, and gave the bacon squash a fair try. We were with friends for Thanksgiving and tried a lot of fancy new dishes that were probably a little too unusual for you. BUT, you loved running around the yard and playing with the dog and cat.

I've been trying to do regular play dates with other moms in the ward so you can get out and run around at parks and interact with other kids. You really do love exploring and running.

As always and for always, we love you.

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