Garrett and I have been trying to take advantage of the unique geography and hikes that are in this area. We'll be moving to the East Coast in August, and "mountains" will soon be used to describe the rolling hills. I had work off last Wednesday, and we decided to hike Doughnut Falls in Sandy. We've both hiked this trail, but it's been several years. It was a perfect day for a hike. Still early enough in the season for mild weather, and we didn't pass a single person on the trail. There was still a good amount of snow and ice coverage up near the falls which prevented us from climbing up near the hole itself. However, the available trail deposited us right at the river, and made for a couple of good shots and views. The very last picture is a distant shot of the falls. The river falls down a series of rocks, and into a hole in the rocks. During the middle of the summer, you can climb up to the top of the rock and see the river rushing through the hold, or you can climb under the rocks, and see the water pouring down toward you through the hole.

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