Thursday, April 7, 2016


Riley Moore Falls

Carrick Creek Falls

Lick Log Falls

Todd Creek Falls

Falls Park

Issaqueena Falls

Waldrop Stone Falls

Station Cove Falls

Yellow Branch Falls

Twin Falls

My Dear Little Man, 04-07-2016

My Sweet Little Feller,

It's been too long since I last posted! You are now seven months old. I think the last thing I wrote was how you were rolling over. You are now sort of crawling! You look like a little tadpole, launching yourself forward onto your belly, then back up onto all fours. You are also the master of fast triple rolls across the floor, and just yesterday went from all fours to sitting by yourself.

You went through a screechy screamy stage, where you would shriek just for the fun of it. You are still a smiley blue-eyed wonder, with two sharp little teeth on the bottom. You enjoyed a relatively brief spitting stage, and now you like to make loud "hmmmmmm" noises. You've been saying mama, papa, and up, but not in the proper context. However, you do respond to your name, you raise your arms when you're ready to be picked up, and you respond to being tickled. You are also beginning to grasp the idea of clapping.

You LOVE park swings and being tossed in the air.

You also love trying new foods, especially if we are eating them. You LOVE curry. We've been introducing you to new foods and you've been a champ. I've learned a good rule of thumb is that if you seem to dislike it, I need to add more seasoning. Curry sauce to a blended vegetable puree, for example. Or cinnamon to applesauce. This evening when we were driving home in the car, I sat in the backseat and fed you some spicy enchilada sauce and avacado from my tupperware. You are quickly getting the hang of chewing, although swallowing chunks of food is still a little challenging for you. The sippy cup was a bit of a mess.

You also love being read to, especially by your papa. You enjoy being held as I do things around the house, although sometimes you get a little too eager to help. I have to be mindful that anything I do won't cause you harm, should you suddenly lurch somewhere.

You've been on several playdates, but this week was the first where you interacted very much with other babies. I sat at the table eating lunch while you were on the floor playing, and it melted me to hear you laughing as one of toddlers was playing with you. You also enjoy touching other babies' cheeks and hair, although you enjoy grabbing just about anyone's cheeks.

You are very inquisitive and observant. You are learning to use your fingers and pick things up, and I love seeing your chubby little starfish hands try again and again until you succeed. You love finding stray shoes on the floor and slapping linoleum. You are particularly fond of slapping a metal strainer we have, and I think it's a combination of the feel and sound of your palms making contact.

You are one big boy! You are wearing 18-24 months clothes, and occasionally 12 month pants. At your 6 month visit you measured at the 100th percentile for weight, 105th percentile for height, and the 75th percentile for head circumference. Also, your hair is beginning to grow all over now, and it's coming in a light blondish/red. The back was getting so long we ended up using a number 6 guard on the trimmers last week to help even things out.

I love how excited and happy you  get at the end of your nighttime routine, when we kneel by your crib for family prayer. You've taken to rolling over and stuffing your face against the slats and try to kiss/lick our faces, and the shriek with laughter. We have you in a sleep sack with arms, so you're still able to move pretty easily around the crib. You hit a rough sleep patch two weeks ago, but this week has seen noticeable improvements. We put you to bed at 7pm, and you usually sleep until 4:30/5. I get up to nurse you and change your diaper, and then you usually go back down for another two or so hours. You typically wake for the day around 7/7:30am, and have two naps that are roughly 2 hours long. You've become more accustomed to your crib and the sleep routine, and we almost always put you down awake. It's fun to hear you roll around and chat to yourself as you fall asleep. Also, if you've slept well, you usually wake and roll around and chatter to yourself. Coming in to get you up for the day or after a nap is one of my favorite parts of the day.

It amazes me how quickly you're growing and learning, and how much personality you have. We took a video where you're on your back on the floor and Dad is trying to roll you over with his foot. You are laughing hysterically as you resist rolling over. You melt our hearts.

We love you so much we can hardly stand it!