Monday, February 8, 2016

My Dear Little Man, 02/08/2016

My Dear Little Man,

I write this at the end of a long day and I'm pretty irritated about nothing really important. I think it's been one of those days where small things just added up and, combined with fatigue, yo mama is ready to punch a wall.

That said, you had some pretty stinking adorable moments today. As well as being pretty cranky yourself. I've already mentioned that both of your bottom teeth have come in and are continuing to grow. You've only bitten me twice and have been pretty good about not biting people in general. You continue to try new pureed foods with admirable gusto. You are starting to develop a very small bump where your upper left incisor is slowly pushing through.

You are rolling over in your sleep! This was an exciting and slightly disconcerting achievement. Fortunately we started training you to sleep on your back as soon as you started rolling, so we put you down on your back and you end up on your stomach. Also fortunately, you seem to sleep better on your stomach in general. Naturally as I type this, you are squawking in bed even though we put you down 30 minutes ago.

I just went in to check on you. You rotated 90 degrees, on your back, perpendicular to the crib and had your head and feet pressed against the sides of the crib. Did I mention you've been wiggling all over the place?

It doesn't take much time at all now for you to be put down on your back and flip over. You seem to enjoy rolling over, though you hate ending up on your stomach. You seem to particularly enjoy rolling over when we are cleaning your ears or changing your diaper. I'm hoping you'll continue stretching your body and exploring and learn to roll from your back to your stomach soon.

As far as sleep goes, your nighttime sleep is quite lovely. We usually put you down at 7pm and typically go until 5am before you start waking. I feed you for about 15 minutes, Dad does a diaper change, and we put you back down for another 2-3 hours. We've really been working on improving your naps lately and I think increasing your waketime is working. For example, Your first "wake" is fairly brief, 5am-5:45am. Then usually 8-9:30ish, 12ish-2:30ish, and 4ish to 7pm. The past few days you've slept about 2 hours for each of your naps and have been able to put yourself back to sleep (or even sleep through!) the 45-60 minute mark as you're transitioning through sleep cycles. The other AMAZING thing is that when you're appropriately tired, have been fed, and have a new diaper, I can lay you down awake and you'll quietly chatter for a few minutes and then fall asleep. Sometimes you just fall right asleep. It's quite lovely.

We've started cloth diapering you at night again. It seems a combination of a pocket diaper with a prefold, hemp doubler, and wool doubler do the job. It's bulky but it keeps leaks contained and continues to pull moisture away from you. We usually cover it with wool pants.

Overall you are an adorable, chunky, happy and eager to smile baby. You get a lot of attention wherever you go and you usually have a toothy wide grin to flash. My favorite is when you're sleepy and I hold you. You tend to curl up and "koala" against my chest, with your head tucked under my chin and your hand and arm tucked behind mine. I LOVE rubbing my cheek against your soft hair (which is an interesting reddish gold color!) and smooching your chubby cheeks. You are such a healthy big boy!

And, blessedly, you are now asleep!