Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Applause for the effort!

I (Michelle) just realized today that it's been awhile since I've blogged on our blog. In my defense, I attribute this unfortunate fact to our small little laptop that is really at the end of its life. It has served me well through three years, three chemistry classes, statistics, my capstone, several job searches, and wedding planning. As of late however, it's really slowed down. It typically takes me 10 minutes to get the internet up and running successfully. It is maddening. And I usually give up by the time I've logged in. Don't even bring up the challenge of posting pictures!

BUT. We will be getting a new computer in the next few weeks! And then I will post and post and write and put up pictures.

In the meantime, I will smooch my eternal manfriend for his devotion and dedication to continuing our blog. He sure is great.

Under the Sea

After hearing a rave review from our nephew Jack Stone we couldn't resist visiting the Loveland Aquarium in Draper Utah. Motivated by Michelle's childhood dream of becoming a marine biologist and my love of nature in general, this was a must see before we moved to the East Coast.

The first area of the aquarium, themed to the wild waters of South America, was quite thrilling...rays, iguanas, and huge fresh water fish drifted through the pools and our hearts.

The iguana was quite a swimmer and must have been nearly five feet from the tip of its tail to the end of its nose.

This tank had an amazing overhead view...

And then there was a toucan...

Notice the large line of kids waiting for the grown man to cross the small bridge. It was pretty cool.

The penguins were hands down my favorite. Watching them dive in and out of the water and swim so gracefully was both amusing and awe inspiring. 

Though the exhibits were not quite as good as, say,  the Monteray Bay Aquarium, we were pleased with this land locked state's attempt to share the wonders of the sea...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Motherhood “the highest, holiest service … assumed by mankind.

"Are We Not All Mothers?" asked Sheri Dew a prominent, successful allbiet unmarried and childless LDS persona. In her talk she reminds us that all the women in our lives are Mother's whether or not they have the opportunity to bear children. In sharing just a few thoughts from her talk I hope to honor all the women in my life who have acted as mothers to Mother, my sisters, aunts, grandmothers, female friends and my dear wife.

Sister Dew stated: "While we tend to equate motherhood solely with maternity, in the Lord’s language, the word mother has layers of meaning. Of all the words they could have chosen to define her role and her essence, both God the Father and Adam called Eve “the mother of all living” 3 —and they did so before she ever bore a child."

"Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us."

Elder Ballard added: "All women have within their divine nature both the inherent talent and the stewardship to mother...grandmothers, aunts, sisters, stepmothers, mothers-in-law, leaders, and other mentors who sometimes fill the gaps."

Though much could be said about what a Mother is and does I with simply say that I am honored to have so many amazing Mother's in my life. 

To my mother: Mom, thank you so much for tirelessly devoting yourself to me, my dear companion, and the many children and grandchildren (and those of others) who are yours to care for. It would be easy now that most of us are adults, living somewhat independently, to let those ties slip away, to lessen your involvement, or to shirk the duties of motherhood. But you have not. You have been ever faithful, always loving, and continuously interested in us and our well being. You continue to nurture us in so many ways. It was a great joy having you with us in our home. I treasure your company, your good nature, and your wise counsel. Thank you for having the courage to raise us with expectations, consequences, and gospel teachings when the world portrays parents as hands off, incompetent, etc. Thank you for being a parent and not just a house mate or someone who needs as much support as I do at times. You have always been what a Mother should be. When I interviewed at Telos they asked me what I thought it means to "Think like a Mom." My response..."well let me tell you...." I can't remember all that I said but that is the only question I remember being asked and am certain because of you it is the only answer that mattered. Thank you. I love you. Happy Mothers Day.

To the mother of my future children: I couldn't have picked a better, more competent, faithful, and loving women had I scoured the whole globe. Everyday I am with you I feel more close to you, more confident in you, and more content with my life. Despite all of the uncertainty of the future there are two constants in my life: The Gospel of Jesus Christ and YOU! I don't care where we end up so long as I am with you. You are a fantastic mother: teacher, lover, friend, support, one who holds me to a high standard, listener, creator, and so much more. I don't know what the future will bring regarding our own children but I do know I am excited to figure it out with you and only you. I love you with all my heart. Happy Mother's Day.